Base chart

Base Chart

Internal component used to wrap all the charts and provide shared props, and handle responsive behavior.

API Reference

The following props are shared across all charts.

export type DataType = Record<string, string | number | null>;
export type BaseChartProps = ResponsiveContainerProps & {
   * The data key to assign to the x-axis.
  dataKeyX?: string | ((data: DataType) => string | number);
   * Whether to show the grid.
   * @defaultValue true
  showGrid?: boolean;
   * Whether to show the x-axis.
   * @defaultValue false
  showXAxis?: boolean;
   * Whether to show the tooltip.
   * @defaultValue true
  showTooltip?: boolean;
   * Whether to show the legend.
   * @defaultValue false
  showLegend?: boolean;
   * Set the position of the legend.
   * @defaultValue 'right'
  legendAlign?: LegendProps['align'];
   * Set the grid density (number of ticks).
   * This is used only if the grid is rendered.
   * @defaultValue 'mid'
  density?: 'low' | 'mid' | 'high';
   * The cursor style for the tooltip.
  cursorStyle?: Record<string, string | number> | false;
   * The padding for the x-axis. Prevent lines from touching the edges.
  xPadding?: number;
   * Set the domain for the X axis.
   * @url
  xDomain?: XAxisProps['domain'];
   * Set the domain for the left Y axis.
  yDomainLeft?: YAxisProps['domain'];
   * Set the domain for the right Y axis.
  yDomainRight?: YAxisProps['domain'];
   * Set the domain for the left Y axis.
  yTypeLeft?: YAxisProps['type'];
   * Set the domain for the right Y axis.
  yTypeRight?: YAxisProps['type'];
   * Allow decimals on the Y axis.
   * @defaultValue false
  allowYDecimals?: YAxisProps['allowDecimals'];
   * Disable the animation for the chart.
   * @defaultValue false
  disableAnimation?: boolean;
   * Whether to show the payload colors inside tooltip.
   * @defaultValue true
  tooltipColors?: boolean;
   * custom function to format the tooltip label/title
   * @param value TooltipEntry
   * @returns string
  formatTooltipLabel?: TooltipProps['formatLabel'];
   * custom function to format the payload labels
   * @param value TooltipEntry
   * @returns string
  formatTooltipName?: TooltipProps['formatName'];
   * custom function to format the payload values
   * @param entry TooltipEntry
   * @returns React.ReactNode
  formatTooltipValue?: TooltipProps['formatValue'];
   * custom function to format the payload values
   * @param entry TooltipEntry
   * @returns React.ReactNode
  tooltipDecorator?: TooltipProps['tooltipDecorator'];
   * Render a custom tooltip instead of the default one.
   * @param props { active?: boolean; label?: string; payload?: TooltipEntry[]; }
   * @returns JSX.Element
  customTooltip?: (props: TooltipProps) => JSX.Element;