

A window overlaid on either the primary window, rendering the content underneath inert.


import { Modal } from "@lualtek/react-components";
export default () => {
  const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
  return (
      <Button onClick={() => setVisible(true)}>Open Modal</Button>
      <Modal onClose={() => setVisible(false)} isOpen={visible}>
        <Modal.Content title="Modal title">....</Modal.Content>

You must wrap your application with ResponsiveProvider to ensure the modal is correctly rendered. Read more bout it.

Custom content

If you want to use the Modal component to show custom elements instead of the Modal.Content (which renders the card), you can pass an element inside it.

import {
} from "@lualtek/react-components";
export const CustomModalContent = () => {
  const { onClose, titleId } = useOverlayContext();
  return (
      <Title id={titleId} level="4">
        My custom modal title
      <Button onClick={onClose} icon="remove">
        Close modal
export const PageExample = () => {
  const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
  return (
      <Button onClick={() => setVisible(true)}>Show Modal</Button>
      <Modal isOpen={visible} onClose={() => setVisible(false)}>
        <CustomModalContent />

API Reference


export type ModalProps = {
   * This enable the modal to be closed by clicking on the overlay.
   * Even if this can be set to `false` we strongly recommend to leave
   * it to `true` as it ensures the accessibility of the modal.
   * @default true
  closeOnClickOutside?: boolean;
   * Enable or disable autofocus on the first focusable element inside the modal.
   * @default true
  autoFocus?: boolean;
   * Set the visibility of the modal
  isOpen?: boolean;
   * The callback function that is called when the modal is closed.
  onClose: () => void;


export type ModalContentProps = {
   * Set the accessible title of the modal. This is used by screen readers to
   * announce the title of the modal when opened.
  title: ReactNode;
   * Set the theme of the content card. To ensure contrast with the default overlay color (dark),
   * this is set to `light` by default.
   * @default 'auto'
  theme?: "dark" | "light" | "auto";
   * Set the background color for the content header
  headerTint?: string;
   * Enable or disable content scrolling. Set to false when you want to create your own scrollable element inside the
   * modal content and prevent double scrolling.
   * @default true
  scrollInside?: boolean;