Use Styles


This hook is used to apply shared effects/styles to elements. It is used internally by other components.


import { useStyles } from "@lualtek/react-components";
const MyComponent = (props) => {
  const { vibrancy } = useStyles();
  return (
    <div {...vibrancy.attributes}>
      Apply default vibrancy style and add elevation shadow
Apply default vibrancy style

Advanced usage

import { useStyles } from "@lualtek/react-components";
const MyComponent = (props) => {
   * You can pass an object to override the default values
  const { vibrancy, elevation } = useStyles({
    elevation: {
      resting: 2,
      onHover: 4,
    vibrancy: {
      color: "soft",
      saturation: "high",
  return (
      style={{ ...elevation.style }}
      Apply default vibrancy style and add elevation shadow
Apply vibrancy style and add elevation shadow

API Reference


You should use this hook only when the Panel component doesn't fit.

type UseStylesParams = {
  vibrancy?: {
    blur?: "soft" | "strong";
    color?: "background" | "soft" | "mid" | "hard";
    saturation?: "standard" | "high";
  elevation?: {
    resting?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
    onHover?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
    direction?: "right" | "left" | "top" | "bottom";
    shadowColor?: string;